Beauty and the Beast... OMG I so wish I was better looking!! I mean handsome like Joe Wong or Lexus.. (hmmm) The shirt on the teddy says 'I love u this much!' And yes I dooo!! Fwendz foreva ok!!

Lady and the Tramp. WAAHAHAHA!!! GMAC Jean yay!! U neva go Apsleyy!! Ahahahaha!! Eh lets go Karaoke next time round ok!!
The back of the card... my trademark monsta. It's always hungry and loves to eat human fingers! Beware...
Jane din come to church 2day cuz she din wan her pressie from me. Jkjkjkjk!! Ahahha!! Aiyo u poor thing, sick so many days sia.. Else can take picz wid u oso. But then some ppl might not like the idea (ahem ahem!!) ahaha!! S'right Benji, I'm not going anywhere near Jane ok!
It's been a 'successful' week thus so far I should say. Or is that a right word to use.. eh.. It's been a great week la. Tho I flunked my HR Exam for the 2nd time n got really disappointed, at least I still got my forkie licence! Ahaha!! A bit too ambitious oso prolly not a good idea. Then again I actually believe God somewhat prevented me from passing my HR exam cuz... I sorta know it. As protection. Hard to explain, but somehow I know that if I DID pass my exam, I would have gone for a truckie job like right now and get into some sort of accident or something really bad loh. I can just feel it somehow. So u see, when things dont go the way u hoped it would be, look on the bright side cuz u neva know if its a blessing in disguise.
Or that I am a really bad driver. Ahaha!! No I wasnt a bad driver, I actually passed all my criteria. But it was just ONE foul-up that costed me my exam. Just one little mistake that flunked me. Ahaha!! Plus I onli had 2 hours of sleep prior to my exam so MAYBE that explains a whole lot more!!
Aniwayz Happy Birthday to Angela Lau aka Shin, Jean and Jane (in advance)!!! Ahaha!! Funny thing Shin said to me:
Carlton: Eh Shin I just missed the bus, will be abt 15 mins delayed now
Shin: Its ok. Ur legs too short to run n missed the bus issit?
OMG SHIN, even I myself thot dat was funny!! Dangs!!!
Hope u all liked da pressies! Cuz u all mi babez foreva!! XD
P.S. So Joe, how bout you and Rachie?? *gasp*!!! Oh my oh myyy... the controversy gets more controversial!!

Yo yo yo wad a bizzare day today was!! Ahahhaa!! Went out to the City wid Angela Lau aka Shin, Hamster Hannah and Wyn. Dats me n Shin wid her b'day pressie sia. Ahahah!! No it wasnt me who wrapped it cuz I'd be like so messy n all. AHEM!! Wahaha!! Shin big gurl now hoh. Ahaha!! 15 yrs old by midnite after this entry gets written.. Shin has branded me as Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter OMG wad kind of image is THAT supposed to be??!! And even HAMSTER HANNIE agreed dat I looked like Peter Pettigrew da first time we met... OMG OMG OMG why can't I look like Keanu Reeves!! Or at LEAST Stephen Chow?? ahahah!! $%^!(#)$@#$#$^)(!!!
1/2 of Hannah, Shin, Me and Wyn in the middle of the subway. Well sorta. I wonder how ppl these days master the art of taking self photo wid one hand...
Look its not wad u think okay.... I forgot wad we were singing... but it was definitely NOT some love song ok!!! BELIEVE MEEEEEE!! ahaha!!
Peter Pettigrew, Hannie Hamster and MEAN SHIN. OMG Shin can say such venomous things to me like ALL the time sia. Ahahah!! Hannah kept deleting every pic that was taken so dis was like the 10, 000th pic actually.. BTW dis was like the most impromptu karaoke event EVER ok!!
Wyn's at the background in case u were wondering... dat's not a ghost! Ahahaha!! Hannah FINALLY appears in the pic after taking like 7-8 pics and DELETING them all!!! Argh no evidence..
Ahem, guess the day would've been most complete if onli Jean was there.... AHEM AHEEMM *COUGH* ahem ahemmm... mmm... must be a sore throat.... was THINKING of going to Joy's Kitchen (or wadever its called) after this event but well... I had stuff to do. ahaahah!! nvm nvm. Lalallaalala.
the last person to tag you is?
Jean a.k.a. God's Most Adorable Creation (GMAC-Jean)
what's your relationship with her?
Cannot tell u.
your five impression towards him/her
Adorable, Maximum Kawaii Power, Funny, Cool, Awesome
the most memorable thing that he/she has done to you
We dated once watching Harry Potter n Transformers @ the cinema (ahem)
the most memorable thing that she has said to you
You're so lame even tho u can walk
if he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
Tie all my shoelaces together into a hangman knot and stab myself with a gun
if he/she becomes your lover, you will..
Try to think of a damn good excuse to explain to her dad
if he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve
Her dedication to go to Apsley
if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
We're on opposing sides of Captain Ball
the most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
Kneel at her feet with roses, a diamond ring, and maybe some fried rice
the overall impression to him/her is..
AAA+++ ISO Certified Awesomeness!
how do you think the people around you will feel about you
I think they will feel like an out-of-body experience astral projection phenomena. Something like Quantum Physics and Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity of Space and Time. Do u understand? For example, using a mathematical equation to deduce the metaphysical equilibrum within the space/time continumm...
the character for you for yourself is?
I'm the Mac Daddy and just because I'm black doesn't mean I only eat fried chicken okay!
On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
That I couldnt set my people free from slavery back in the Vietnam War
the most ideal person you want to be is?
Joseph Wong
for the person who cares and likes you, say something about them..
Gosh, can I actually meet u someday?
the last person to tag you is?
Hannah who doesnt like me to call her Hamster
what's your relationship with her?
Oh we're only friends. Just friends. Would you think otherwise?
your five impression towards him/her
the most memorable thing that he/she has done to you
She gave me a session of Hannah Therapy when I was emo (and actually suicidal cuz I was depressed n upset for some reason dat time) tho she was BUSY writing letters at the same time. Bleh. Ahahaha!!
the most memorable thing that she has said to you
Is that tattoo real???
if he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
Nail my feet and hands to a railway track and get run over by a Transperth Train dats heading towards Mandurah (gotta be specific okay)
if he/she becomes your lover, you will..
Spend a great deal of time trying to convince Xin Yi dat I din mean to STEAL her and having to invest in lots of life insurance in case I get hacked to pieces like in the Hostel movie.
if he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve
Her ability to move objects without touching them (telekinesis)
if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is..
That I asked her for chili too often at Ah Wong??
the most desirable thing to do for him/her is?
Make Century Egg Porridge??
the overall impression to him/her is..
Reminds me of an army of hamsters for some reason...
how do you think the people around you will feel about you
I think they will feel like 'wad kind of question is this supposed to be??'
the character for you for yourself is?
Mr. Smiggles from Lord of the Rings
On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
That I somehow resemble Peter Pettigrew????
the most ideal person you want to be is?
Hannah's 14th bf
for the person who cares and likes you, say something about them..
(u said say 'something' wad, so I said 'something' la)
Ten people to tag
1. Hannah
2. Jean
3. Lynn
4. Kristine
5. Ezekel
6. Leon
7. Jane
8. Xin Yi
9. JoeJoeWong
10. Tim Goh
Who is number 2 having relationship with? (Jean)
I dunno, but I'd better not find out!!
Is number 3 a female or male? (Lynn)
Actually I was never totally sure...
If number 7 and 10 be together would it be a good thing? (Jane & Tim Goh)
WOW!! What are the odds??
How about number 5 and 8? (Ezekel & Xin Yi)
Oooh... OMG!!! XinYi is also Jane... ahahahha!! Wow this is complicated...
What is number 1 studying about? (Hannah)
Studying all the cute guys in skool and in the country called Nippon
When was the last time you had a chat with 6 and 9? (Leon & JoeJoe Wong)
Leon - 2 weeks ago outside the front gates of Guantanamo Bay
JoeJoeWong - 3 weeks ago inside the Taliban Recruitment Centre of WA
Is number 4 a single? (Kristine)
Depends how much I should actually say
talk something about number 2
Jean is the most awesome coolest jump-to-the-jam-boogie-woogie-jam-slam superstar of the movie TB4J which is co-produced by Steven Spielsberg and myself. She's also the president and founder of the Super Cute Hamsters Federation of WA (SCHFWA) which is dedicated to protecting the hamster species from being cuddled to extinction.

Just a little all too familliar pic. Oh hey its part of the TB4J crew!, with Ezekel as a stuntman. Ahahah!! Isn't Jean the most adorable thing God ever created?? I think so too!

I love doggies. Ahaha. This was before Shirley left to S'pore for her mum's operation.

This is a picture of Hannah. Ahahah!! 'Cute' mild curry?? May contain traces of a cheerful hamster... um... Why is Hannah a Hamster? Its one of those mysteries which has eluded even the most genius of minds. Muahaha!! Its very simple. In Jean's blog there was a pic of hamsters like uber cute ones. Then there's Hannah. Everyone suddenly calls me Carlie or Carltie. So Hannah becomes Hannie. Hannie -> Hanster -> Hamster. 10 kudos points for me mate.. laah. aahah!!
Ground father and Ground mother... omg
They'll get there, just need more time!! Ahahah!! I really don't know what this is supposed to be leh
Had a phenomenally bizarre weekend. Chris Howard is like a super GENIUS omg he's so cool!! Perhaps the most empowering weekend ever!! The entire 30 + hours which I attended for 3 days were like cracked my skull open sia! Ahaha!! It was all about NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Quantum Physics, Meta-Physics, Hypnosis, Psychology and Goal Setting. Arrrghh... so complicated sia. But then I daydream a bit too much while I was there *guilty!*. Anyway... guess I had my own perspective on living life and well, at least I know a bit on what NLP is all about now. Um... yeah. I COULD try applying some of the concepts someday...Went to Apsley actually.. ahahah!! I was suprised that JoeJoeWong, Jean, Jane and so many others were totally ABSENT sia. It was like jus a handful of us. Got to know Kristine a bit better today. Actually I knew she existed all along but like 2day probably the 1st time I actually held a conversation wid her. Well of course there was hardly anyone else there so.. ahahah!! Dang. Even Jeanette wasnt there... Dere was like Dave, Chris + Tim, Zac, Tim Goh, Rachie, Abi, Mark and like 2-3 others. THATS IT!! Big n stressful week ahead. Re-sitting my HR Exam on Tues. I have to be there by 5.45 AM!!!! Oooohh... den followed by Forklift Ticket on Thurs n Fri. Eeeeks!!! I'm gonna be a work-a-holic in 2 weeks for now after all that.Its going to be BIG days for some other ppl next week. Yaaay!! How time flies huh?!!Short term goal - Lose 20 kilos BY NOV 25!!!! I dunno HOW I'm going to achieve this, but I'll at least die trying!! AAAARRGHH!!!Internet connection so slow... going to get that personal mobile internet thing this week. Hopefully... Miss u allll (who who who??)
Yo yo yo yo!! For your entertainment I have discovered some totally bizzare pics I was surfing on the net @ http://www.engrish.com/. I added the captions and some remarks after each pic...And His Almighty sauce..
Seriously I dun know how this would taste like..
This place is located about 1 1/2 hour drive from my own hometown. Seriously in Malaysia got more stuff like this one leh. Ahahaha!!

Do da thang do da do da thang... ahahha!! OMG I think I'll laugh like mad if I saw this in real life!!Ahahha!! Saw Hannah at Ah Wong today, it was super weird moment. Like cuz I jus finished jogging n was pooped out n like didnt expect to see her working tonite. Ahaha!! For some reason I felt like paiseh or something, din even like make enuff eye contact else I might get misunderstood (ahem!!). Maybe I was jus shy today... ahahhaha!!
I wasnt being rude la ok, I jus felt really weird. Dunno why. Too many things on my mind simultaneously. Din even realise I took my jacket off cuz I was too warm from the jogging earlier. I tried to say something to her wen leaving but she too busy wid work. I even call out her name n customers started staring so I walked out. PSPS aiyoh. Gyaah!!
A little blast from the past. The following pics:

Honestly, I got freaked out when I turned my head to face her right after this pic was taken. This is why I never recommend anyone to become a chef!!
Making some form of egg tart. I wish I could make it as good as Utopia. Well, with a bit of practice I guess?
Worked at Portavins Integrated all this week. So sian la dat place. Hope I can pass my HR license next week n get a much higher earning job. Can't even afford expensive pressies for my gems. *sigh* All my plans r RUINED!! Gyaaah!! Next time next time...
Going for NLP conference at the Perth Convention Centre from Fri - Sun, so I can't make it to church or Apsley this week. Its all from 9 am - 10 pm (13 hours per day!!). The guest speaker comes ALL the way from America by the name of Christopher Howard http://www.chrishowardcourse.com/
In case you've not heard of him before, he's something like Anthony Robbins, a total nobody who became a multi millionaire within months. Well, I am a bit skeptical, but hey, whats there to lose? Jus attend and see how lor. Guess my motto of life for now is:
Neva Try, Neva Know.
In a positive way la I mean. Not to say 'Oh in that case mus try to be a terrorist, drug dealer, bank robber etc.' U know wad I mean laaa!! Common sense aight.
Sometimes I wonder where am I headed to in life these days. This is one of those days. Hmm..
On the PLUS side, when I went jogging today I found that I could run a LOT longer than I used to!! Omigosh I think I'm going to enter the next Olympics!! Yay!! Is there an event for dog-walking??? ><

Yay dats me today making Otak Otak!!! OMG can u believe I made Otak Otak without looking at a recipe book of any sort?? Yaaay!! Ahahaha!! OMG I look like a big fat dumb muffin... egadz!!
Wad u need is good ol fresh Lemongrass (I was reluctant to get it at first but then yea finally bought it) Onion, Garlic (all in the picture) Plus various herbs - Tumeric, Coriander Powder, Belachan, Kafir Lime Leaves, Chili Paste, n some other stuff (not telling) ahahaah!! Cant reveal all my stuff rite. Besides, NO MSG, NO Artificial stuff wadsoever ok.

Good ol'fashioned Pestel n Mortar. U could always use a blender of course, think it would be much better. But think of how u gonna CLEAN ur blender after using it on stuff like this!! Ahaha!! Crush all the Garlic, Shallots, Lemongrass, Kafir Lime Leaves together. Then mix with the Coriander Powder, Tumeric Powder, Chili Paste, Coconut Cream n Belachan. Up to u if u wanna add any preferred ingredients. I rarely use salt, but use Fish Sauce as a salt replacement, something I learnt from Hans Cafe long ago. Gyaah!!

While waiting for the sky to rain fire... bring the water to boiling point and blanch the banana leaves. Simply dunk it into the water until it becomes somewhat more pliable, then rinse with considerable amounts of cold running water. This makes the leaves less 'crispy' and hence easier to fold the Otak Otak in later.

Now u probably wont get this idea from recipes u find online, but it is always a great idea to Cook-Out your spices to bring out its full flavour before using it as a marinade. Bet not many ppl told u this one before? Cuz they dont wan u to know! Duhh.. ahaha!!

Lastly scoop out pieces of marinated fish pieces (of course you could blend the fish with the marinade into a paste and then it'll be REAL Otak Otak, up to your preference and how much time u have to make it) into banana leaves. And using toothpicks simply poke into the ends and seal the fish inside. You could always use a stapler or power drill but really the metal shavings dont
always go down too well when swallowing...

Finally its all prepped up and ready to be steamed to perfection. Mama mia!!

To make a Tomatoe 'Rose', this one takes a bit of practice. And after a while of not doing it I kinda stuffed up on all three occasions. Ahahaha!! Simply use a really sharp paring knife, cut skin all along the whole tomatoe and make sure u dun break the line! Must be demonstrated live to make any sense of wad I'm saying. Or perhaps a particular Xin Yi could explain better? Cuz she's probably the only one I've seen who can do it as well. Ahahah!! Jean made a different type of flower... a bit like a rafflesia. The following pic should be what it should somehow look like.

L-R Me, Jennifer, Jon Lee, Adrian, Qiao Ru. Dishes are the Otak Otak, Vietnamese Sour Spicy Soup, and my signature Tumeric Chicken Zuccini stir fry. I created that one myself ahaha.
Left Pic - dunno why this pic is taken sideways. Rockmelon + Honeydew kebabs with Coconut Mmmm cool stuff. This kind of 'dessert' is the best cuz its presentable, hence making it more appetizing when its in reality simple fruit. A better way to get your daily intake of fresh greens eh. Once again, creativity is the key.

This is me and Sherene Saw (SS??). Always good to have some humour after a day of slaving. She is also the owner of Ruskie my personal trainer. Dis one Penang mali sia. Well that concludes my post for the time being, till next time then...
Yo yo yo yo yo!!
Yeah dis is Carlton aka Carltie or Carlie (omg gayness galore) with mi uber lame attempt at blogging. Ahahah!! Dun know wad I'm going to write in here yet but so far I've ruled out these few things to be expected:
Personal life n lame events
Joke du Jour (for your entertainment)
Anyway right now still constructing mi blog. BRB some other day aiiighhts.