Bizzare conversations with my daughter. Ahaha!! There was once this time where Shin n I were talking crap on MSN... Dunno how the topic started but it ended up about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. So we decided that I should be Papa Bear, Jean is Mama Bear (this is jus as a joke la ok) and Shin will be the Baby Bear.. Then I thot.. so who's gonna be Goldilocks? We both decided that Joe shall be goldilocks. Shin then drew this awesome illustration of Joe:
Wahahaha!! OMGGG this is so retarded... then 2 nites ago we were talking about Islam. She mentioned that maybe Muhammad was trying to lose weight, so he made the fasting month so that everyone can lose weight with him as well (or something like that). She mentioned about Rammadan... but I was leaning back against my chair and read 'Rambutan' instead. OMG hence I made up this retarded statement: In the Holy Month of Rambutan, Muslims must be quick or else it will be sold out. (The pun here is the word 'quick', which also means 'fast'. Hence the Fasting month.... ok ok I know its lame but then why not rite..). So I ended up drawing this picture:

Its a muslim man jumping on a bed of rambutans... WAHAHAHAHA!! This is SOOOO LAMMEE.
Ahem ahem... Carlton-bald.. wad la u Jean... Anyway I jus chanced upon this website and discovered an interesting prophecy. Did u know that Buddha predicted the coming of Christ? Dont believe me? Check this out then!!
Then the old Brahman priest asked. “What will the characteristics of the Holy One be like?” The Buddha answered him, “The Holy One who will keep the world in the future will be like this: in the palm of his hands and in the flat of his feet will be the design of a disk, in his side will be a stab wound; and his forehead will have many marks like scars. This Holy One will be the golden boat who will carry you over the cycle of rebirths all the way to the highest heaven (Nirvana). Do not look for salvation in the old way; there is no salvation in it for sure. Quit the old way. And there will be a new spirit like the light of a lightning bug which will come down from the sky above to live in all of your hearts and you will be victorious over all your enemies. Nobody will be able to destroy you. If you die, you will not come back to be born in this world again. You will go to the highest heaven (Nirvana).”
Permission was granted to copy these Buddhist Scriptures from Wat Phra Sing in Chiang Mai Province. The person who gave permission was Phra Sriwisutthiwong in Bangkok. It is guaranteed that this copy is accurate according to the original, that there is no error in transmission, which is in the book of the district headman, the religious encyclopedia volume 23, book #29. This inquiry was made on October 13, 1954 A.D. (Buddhist era 2497).
We learn something new everyday dont we? ahaha!! Its been an interesting week. I got to see my niece Hannah cuz its been SUCH a long time my goodness... last time I saw her was when we were shopping wid my daughter Shin n the elemental Wyn (wind). Whoa. ahaha!! Sashiburi desu!! Which leaves XinYi as the last most missing person... I kinda wonder if I wud be able to recognise her now.. ahaha!! Btw did u know the name Hannah means 'Grace of God'? wow.. ahaha!!
I met a girl by the name of Anastasia Cecillia Metta. Wow thats like the coolest name ever!! She's a cool hairdresser btw... but since I'm bald I guess... a bit pointless.. ahaha!! Hair, what hair?? XD
Some cool names I'd prolly name my kids (like if that ever happens)..
Male names: Jedah, Constantine, Marcus
Female names: Clarice, Ixara
Half male/female: Joey (hey in this age and time, u never know...)
Err... yea wadever... lazy Saturday noon... zzzz.. haahah!!
carltonsoo + 11:36 PM [
The Grand Finale of the cooking event. Master chef Tim Ong and me making flambe banana pancakes with Rum and Ice Cream... and guess what. I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO TRY SOME MYSELF!!! OMGGGGG!!!!
When I say its an AWESOME setting, this is what it was like!! Ahaha!! Formal dinner sia. It was hard work but guess it paid off. Now I can redeem myself a little bit... sorta..

This is me drawing a picture of myself breathing fire unto Shin. AHAHAHAH!! OMGGG

Lloyd Bright giving us a hand. Too bad he didnt stay throughout the event tho cuz he had to leave really early
Yet another episode of Beauty and the Beast. OMG I look like an ah-Pek sia. Damn!! Ahaha!! The birthday girl Ms. Jean Foo. Waddup Foo!! Ahaha!!Well Daryl called me up the other day... cuz he noticed that I've vanished from church all of a sudden. I'm just upset la guess. I actually decided to quit FCC last week... but.. *sigh*. I guess we all have issues with God and Church at some point, but well does running away really prove anything.. So what if I've failed God... dont we all? Or do we... I dunno. Well.. wadever..Funny thought. Original Jean = OriJean (origin) Ahahaha!! New word. Hehehe. OK OK Hannah, u wonder wht the bizzare question Gideon asked me right. Its all a matter of HOW u look at the question la. I was driving him to a library and he suddenly asked:Gid: Carlton, u know my sis right?
Carltie: Um... Ashley? Well sorta. why?
Gid: Do u think she's hot?
Carltie:... (most bizzare silence ever) ... um... yeeeeeeeaaaaaah??? (really confused)
Gid: Well she's my sis so she'd BETTER be!!
At this point he swung his arm as tho he was gonna hit me!! OMG!! Ahahaha!! NOW the funny thing abt this question is HOW u look at it. In MY point of view, he's implying that HE himself is hot (ahem) so THEREFORE Ashley by default will also HAVE to be hot as well.... daaamn!! Ahaha!!
BUT the EVEN funnier part was when I told this to Zac and Tim. They both looked at each other and went" Ummmm.... that sounded SO wrong!"
Tim: Yeah like we should go ask him, "Gideon, WHY are u looking at ur own sister like that???
Zac: Yeah!! I mean, incest is usually illegal in most places, except for California.
Carltie: HUH????
Zac: Cuz only in California there's Gay Marriages, drugs, and incest which is all legal.
All of us: .....
Well that's ur entertainment for the day. Ms. Jean Tan told me something rather shocking the other day. It went like:
Jean: Carlton,u and Shin make a great match
Jean: Ok ok, the two of u can be like best friens.
I nearly fell on the floor. Aahhaha!! She actually meant cuz the way I say 'cooool!!', cuz shin always say that as well. Ahaha!! I thot wad on earth...
Anyway, Shin's my daughter now. For some reason. Xinyi sed ppl wud believe cuz of our height. I'll SO get u for this one day.... grrrrrr!!! Ahahaaha!!
MAYBE I might go to church... I dunno... I dun like some of the things ppl say to me there. S'matter of fact I m still deeply offended and insulted. But... as my friend Jimmy says... Don't look towards man, but towards God, for people will fail u, as u will also fail others. But never forsake God in the process.
I guess.... well... see how...

Eventful Cooking Event (sounds redundant but yea) yesterday 21st Oct 2008). Top - Pan fried freshly made Gnocci with Nap sauce and sun dried tomatoes (Entree)

Bacardi Rum and Parsley (okay thats part of the decoration but the Rum was for the Pancake Flambe at the end of the event)
A bald chef... eh THATS MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ahahaa!! Making the entree..
ZAC the handsome chef cooking as well...

HEAD CHEF Tim Ong making a Flambe. OMGOSH he's gotta calm down man!! ahahah!!
Yay yay yay this all happened yesterday the 21st Oct 2008 at FCC. It was Jean Foo's 21st birthday... perhaps the most awesome 21st b'day I've EVER seen with my own eyes EVER!! Since mi blog can onli post so few pics at once I'll post more pics next time. I was up since 4 am, went to work at 5 am, finished at 1.30, helped out to prep n cook n clean till MIDNIGHT!!!! I was up for 20 HOURS in one day... so today I took a day off and slept in like a PIG... and after all that I'm STILL tired cuz my muscles are aching. Ahahaha!! But it was fun in the end so thats all that matters!!
Been REALLY busy the past few days,.. havent been able to go online much even to check my blog and will still be bz for the next few days. Looking for work elsewhere, perhaps for part time or wad... trying for PINNACLE (a contracting company that hires chefs and all aspects of F&B workers for various establishments all over Australia). Well SEE HOW la.
Bumped into Gideon, he asked me a REALLY bizarre question but I'll stop here for now. Ahaha!! Also bumped into Wyn cuz I was at Southies to buy stuff for the cooking event.
Anyway.... meditation time... zz.. ahahah!! Sorta...
OMG I jus have to write this down b4 I forget. I locked my car keys in my car at work today!! Ahahaha!! I looked like I was stealing my own car cuz I had to get a clothes hanger from the workshop and try to unlock the door... but THANK GOD some Kiwis were walking past (one guy had a dead battery, so they were jus hanging around near my car anyway) and they helped me out. Seemed to be proffesionals!! Like the first 1/2 hour was just futile. Then another kiwi dude walked past and helped out. Within minutes CLICK my door was unlocked!! Yaay!!
BUT this means... its actually very easy to steal cars then!! OMG. Wad a revelation!! Ahaha!!
Shaved my head earlier jus now. Ahahaha!! Carltie the Laughing Buddha.
My friend Benard has just left for good. He's on his way to the airport now. So sad. He's going back to Malaysia until next year, where he will do his Masters Degree in Psychology in Melbourne Victoria. So far away. *sigh*
Life is like one big wheel. People come and go. Sometimes I wonder why friends cant just stay. *sigh* Melancholic mood now.

It's interesting what kind of signboards u can find anywhere. At least this one's honest. Ahahaha!!
OMG I got sent home early from work again today! Not just me but also with about 1/3 of the staff omgoodness.... this sucks!! I need to get a new job leh. Ummm.. how how how... thinking of opening my own business with Post Messanger (Australia Post) ahaha!! Postman Carltie?? OMGOSH.. ahaha!! Next time u get an order from the post office, it could be from me?? Ahaha!! Jus considering la. Havent really decided on anything. Need to buy my own van and like whoa... spend the whole day driving all over WA?? *grins*
It was a really odd day today. Finished work really early, went home, went out somewhere (I wonder where) and went home and went out again... jus din wanna stay home I guess... turning into an adventurer (or like in the REALLY old days, hunt for tigers and wild boars?). So I spent most of my time outdoors... well sorta. Wow... Perth IS actually quite boring. ahahaha!!
Today was SO hot sia.... felt like jumping into a frozen lake for a few minutes... jus couldnt find one. Or maybe din look hard enuff. Or why not jus dig a hole in my backyard with a spoon? Two spoons? Hmmm... wonder how long it'll take... maybe by the time I actually dig a decent hole I'd be roasted in the sun like a roasted pig. Omg...

Just a little blast from the past. Hahaha!! Leon n I doing a boyband pose...something like dat... Think we look cool?? Ahaha!! I had a bizzare hairstyle bak then...
Just so Joe doesnt complain, here's a pic of u in my blog. Cool rite? I think we need more Leng Zai's in FCC sia... ahahah!!
Need I explain? Do I REALLY look like this idiot??? Damn!!
Went to IKEA earlier today... omgosh I SO wanna buy a house now... with all those awesome kitchen designs etc. I'm left with not much choices now... but I think, I think.. I need to get another job to sustain my expenses n well yea... for future investments? *sigh*
It's QUITE possible dat I won appear in FCC as often animore... even for Sunday services... not sure, but well... Gotta do wad I gotta do la in the end. Lotsa ppl I know need to work 2 jobs if wanna really afford to buy a house or wadeva. I do haf other reasons as well but I guess that's all I need to say for now.
Wads it gonna be mann... U cant get something outta nothing. At this rate... hmm... wad mus I sacrifice again??? grrr... (looks toward the horizon, and sees a crossroad of life...)

Jus a taste of Bleach. This is a fan-art manga of 2 good guys n one bad guy. Ahaha!! The guy with the hole in his chest is the 8th Espada Szayel Aporro Grantz, while the violent looking weirdo is Death God 12th Squad Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi-sama, and the girl is his vice captain Nemu. The blade he's holding is the Ashisogi Jizou (Golden Limb Paralyzer) which paralyses anything it cuts. Ahem. I lurve Bleach, its sick to the max! Aahahaha!!
Omigosh Monday blues INDEED. Went out dinner wid da gang (who I wonder?) at (where was it again?) and oh my goodness so weird kena BUSTED for no reason sia. Dang it! Ahahaha!! *paranoia*
People have travelled all over the world to crack the mystery of the Da Vinci Code (which is really rubbish but ppl still wanna try n prove something cuz dey haf too much time on their hands... but what about the REAL mystery? The mystery of the DUDE Vinci Code???
Double the action, triple the suspense.... now the long awaited secret of da Dude which has left countless scientists, archologists and theologians baffled.... the movie Holywood tried to ban. This summer, Joseph Wong, Carlton Soo and Investigator Senior Detective Agent Jean Tan will unravel the mystery that may cost thousands of lives in the horrifying adventure of....
(ghastly scream in the background)
The Dude Vinci Code... in cinemas this summer.. (wolf howling in background)
C'mon Joe hurry up and unravel the mystery already!!!
Edited cuz I love u both XD
Ok now to my post: I'm currently downloading the remaining episodes of Vampire Knight as in the picture above, should have 13 episodes by tonight (I THINK thats the whole series?). Oh my oh my... I joined a bleachexile membership so might as well make full use of it and download as much as I can. Ahaha!! Jus a quick rundown of COMPLETED episodes I currently have:
Shaman King,
Ragnarok -The Animation
Ai Yori Aoshi
Amaenaideyo & Amaenaideyo Katsu
Black Cat
Beserk (old skool man this one)
Busou Renkin
Card Captor Sakura
Code Geass
Crescent Love
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure
Flame of Recca
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
Gun-X Sword
Gundam Seed Destiny
Hana Yori Dango (the anime)
Hayate no Gotoku
Ichigo 100%
Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny
Lovely Complex
Marcross Frontier
Mai Hime
Mai Otome
Onegai Sensei (Onegai Teacher)
Onegai Twins (not Jean n Jane ok)
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock
Scrapped Princess
Shakugan No Shana
Tenjou Ten Ge
The Law of Ueki
True Tears
Tsubasa Chronicle
Witch Hunter Robin
Zero no Tsukaima Futatsuki no Kishi
Zero no Tsukaime
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Death Note
Elfen Lied
Fate Stay Night
Ouran High School Host Club
Samurai 7
Samurai Champloo
Fruits Basket
Soul Eater
Vampire Knight (currently downloading)
Blood + (currently watching)
LOOKING FOR (I do not haf any of the following):
D-Gray Man
Escaflowne (recommended by Jasper Wong)
Anyone up for trade-ins? Ahaha!! OMG pls invest in an external HDD ppls... its over 320 gigs worth at the moment.
Quick update: Joe Angela n I watched Wall-E on MONDAY, Queens Birthday (I always ask who the heck is the Queen of Australia in the 1st place... ahaha!!) and later we somehow managed to meet-up with Jean (well something like that). Thats all that happened on Monday. Adios. So now we all call Jean as Wall-Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean. Ahaha!! Btw Wall-E stands for:
Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class
Ahaha!! Plus we saw Dallas driving around at Apsley road while he was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt and there was a female individual beside him, quite possibly Rachie. All this in less than a few seconds of spotting him at a traffic light. Ahem. So..?
Guess I'll end this entry wid a copy-cat version of Jean's finale:
A man was in an elevator, and the operator kept calling him, 'son'. So the man said, 'why do you keep calling me son? You're not my father!' And the operator replied, 'I brought you up, didn't I?'
Two Peanuts walk into a bar, one is a salted
Deja-Moo: The feeling u've heard this bull before
What do you call a sheep with no legs: A Cloud
Whats the difference between a Jew and a Pizza? A Pizza doesnt scream when u thow it in an oven
Well anyway u all njoying ur holidays so far? Peace out my niggas!!
carltonsoo + 10:48 PM [