Absolute randomness... I DO have a friend named Jimmy... Ahahaha!! This is super lame sia... Ahahaha!! Couldnt help but post this pic up...
For all of u who are considering laser eye surgery...think of how AWESOME u'll become!!!
As u can see the writing on this awesome banana is NOT my handwriting... but I thot it was COOL so I posted it up anyway. XD
Sunday went to Apsley with my baby Ruskie yay!! Bought Squid Rings n Chips for the JJJJ (Jane Jean Joe Jeanette?!!). Gosh u guys have such cool names!! Ahahah!! And just earlier TODAY went to SOMEWHERE.. ahahah!! Played BRIDGE with daughter, niece n sister in law. Ahem.. omgosh my family ties is getting bigger... I'm not good at playing Bridge but DANGS I can finally play it!! Wooots.... the Bridge Brigade... omg this game it turning into an occult of its own...
Jus a quick update I guess... not feeling well so yea I have a DAY OFF tomolo... oooh.. lalalalala... FINALLY for once I get to sleep in... zzzz... laters!!

My oh my I blog so rarely.. unlike some ppl.. ahem.. ahahaha!! Found this most awesome pic sometime ago... OMG I SO wanna drive that truck!! Ahahah!!
Yea Yea I turned 28 SO WHAT... bleh.. ahaha!! Well this is my first birthday cake in THREE years... wow so lame right.. ahaha!! Guess I could fairly say its the first time I've actually celebrated ever since I started working life... eeehhh.. dats why I miss skool life (attention everyone, LISTEN TO MEEE!!) ahahah!! Okla okla I'm jus not 1/2 the man I used to be... um... okaaay.. ahaha!! But thanx everyone for the b'day wishes!! U're all da bomb!!
Due to unforseen circumstances and a particular death threat, I have instead posted up this totally AWESOME pic!! Whoa!! Ahahah!! Wow isnt it funny?? XDDD
carltonsoo + 12:32 AM [