Oh wow... I'm blogging on Christmas Day 2008... Hmmm.. very relaxing.. but still some things run around head... mostly fear. With the Economic Crisis at this rate... er... omg... I wonder.. I really wonder whats going to happen sia. Arghh!! My job... my so-called current job... I wonder if I can even maintain that. Some of the biggest companies in the world has already gone bankrupt, others retrenching and still more are on a tight rope... wat a rotten timing... *sigh*.
Money money money I need money!! Gyahh!! Bleh... There's gonna chaos everywhere sia. But anyway... loads of ppl are suffering as well from this. So yeah its not SO bad when u look at the big picture I guess... Need to look for more work.. earn more money. A bit difficult sia.. my resume not popular sia... Ah well Merry Christmas to all my readers. Its quite lonely here actually... ahem.. ahaha!! Not like I mind tho. Lalalalala... dunno wad else to write.. mmm... Happy Holidays? Melancholic sia... grrrr... going to the beach later.. I wonder how many billions of ppl are there already. Chiao Bella!
HEllo Hello HELLO THERE EVERYONE!!! Jus blogging cuz I'm in da mood. Ahaha!! Rare moment indeed. I really wonder wad this taxi driver was thinking.. hmm..
OH MY G...!!!!!! This... this... THIS!!! THIS!!!!! 1 Terabyte HARD DISK!!!! OMGGGG!!! Shin.. Shin passed this to me yesterday... omg I kept wondering wat on earth was it supposed to be cuz XinYi wouldnt tell me. .AHAAHA!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!! MY B'DAY PRESSIE???? *faints*... *faints again*. XDDD This is the absolute most expensive pressie I've EVER recieved!! And.. and... *faints again*. AHHHH!!! U guys!! U... all of u spent so much on Peter Pettigrew???? *head spins*. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! This is unbelievable!!! OMG OMG OMG...LOVE U ALL!!!! Um.. as far as wad Shin told me, they were:
Joseph Wong (co-ordinator??? man u're so sweet!!)
Jean Tan (Lead actress of the awesome movie hit TB4J!! Also GMAC!!! OMG)
Jane Tan (my SIL... ahem... nvm... ahaha!! u're awesome!!)
Jeanette Ho (ehhhh u're so generous to meee!! omgg!!! I dunno wad to say!! XD)
Angel Lau Shin W** (my beloved daughter!! Ahaha!! have u been a good girl? XD)
Jane Chong Slim Yi (creator of Slim Yi Pro... also my Sister in Law!! OMGG!!)
Hannah Ong (My NIECE!! Oh wow!! Sashiburi desu neh!! ahaha!!)
Gideon Keaseberry (uhh.. HOW did u get into this one?? U gangsta da bomb!!)
Wyn (again WHO dragged u into this one?? Ahaha!! Wyn + Cloud= Rain XDD)
Ben!! (Playa of 2008... omggg!! I miss ur bum!! SWEEET!! AHAHAHA!!)
I'm SPEECHLESS ok.. 10 of u bought me this!! Alamak! I... I... I love u alll!! OMGG Ok okok ok... U guys... u all... I... I... *melts into the floor*. HUGZX!!! YEAHH!!
Ok next topic.. ahaha!! Jus food for thot on this one.. hehe... in case some of u dont normally get your 3 + 2 Veggies n Fruit daily intake.. I have developed this AWESOME method of getting more fresh veggies on ur plate on an (preferably) daily basis. Hehe... Cherry Tomatoes, thinly sliced cucumbers, shredded carrots and yeah thats garlic.. well I jus thot raw garlic is good for ppl with respiratory problems and its an awesome immune system booster so yea I jus added that one in. U see... one thing I learnt abt Good Eating Habits is to DECORATE ur plate with RAW Colourful veggies. So u see.. I decorate my plate while cooking the mains on the stove. Which leaves very little space for rice and meat etc. Hence u get more bang out of ur daily fresh vegs which our human bodies are DESPERATELY lacking. Cooked vegetables are SO pointless. Whats the use of eating veggies if u're gonna kill all of its nutrients by cooking it right? Ahaha!! So this settles part of it... always have 2-3 pieces of fruit thru ur day to complement this awesomely coloured plate aight. See... being a chef doesnt always mean u have to cook. All these veggies never even touched the stove XD

The Picture u're looking at is from the worlds most peaceful and loving religion. One that teaches NON violence and loving one another. Also known as ISLAM.... well a picture says a thousand words... ahaha!! Ok ok its called Ashyora.. its a Shiite Mulsim tradition which is totally retarded but well... as long as it makes them happy right?
Greetings from a long time ago. Ahaha!! Havent blogged in weeks.. actually havent even SEEN anyone in AGES.. OMG... Havent even been to church or even Apsley for a while now. Ahem.. well yea its summer SO many flies... omgosh.. but I've been busy with other stuff la atm.. like ehhh.. well thanx to the global financial crisis even I myself am in trouble concerning work n all.. wth... %^$&%$*...
Ahh Good ol Bleach... I personally thot Memories of Nobody was way better than the Diamond Dust Rebellion movie... n now there's another Blech movie coming up... Fade To Black. OMG I cant wait for that one!!
This is Ryder from Fate Stay Night... probably the sexiest characte around... she kicks ass by harpooning those things in her hands (mini spears?) thru her opponents and kinda chains u to the ground... u know wat I'm saying.... Um.. yea... ran out of topics to blog abt actually.. ahahah!! Life's been.. quite interesting I should say. Quite... adventerous... well sorta.. I dunno.. its... arrghh!! I wanna win the lottery gyaaah!! ><
Tagged by Jean1. Do you have secrets?
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?
Yeah... probably not boy... but then again... XDD OMG
3. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
I'm impatient, but waiting makes it all more worthwhile
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Buy a house, make my enemies live on their knees (literally) and go for an Extreme Makeover XD
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being Loved of cos duhh..
7. List out 5 favourite things that you like and 3 things of yourself.
`5 Favs - Eating, Music, On-lining, Talking Crap, Cooking!!!
`3 Things about me: Short, Creative, Silly
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
`Lalalalalala who wants to know?? XD
10. What makes you sad?
`Not winning the 30 million dollar lottery... oh yea I din even buy a lottery.. XD
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
`Leader of some powerful organisation???
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
`Cannot tell u la, else their lives will be in danger XD
13. What is bothering you in life now?
`cant get a fulltime job, oh yea I might wanna be a chef again XDD
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
`DAMN!!!! *faints*
15. What are the things you wanna do?
`win the lotteryyyy
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick?
`I'll flip a coin or roll a dice... whichever I have in my hands at the moment... aHAHAAH
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
Maybe? But most probably not. XD Hey at least I'm honest...
18. How do you say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go?
`I'll probably CRY!!!
19. If there is a choice between lover and friends,which will you choose?
`I will consult the Orachle... ooOOOOoooo oooo
20. Will you fall in love soon?
`Fallen oledi..AHAHAHAH wadevaaaaa yea right...
5 people to do this quiz:
- Harry Potter
- Iron Man
- Wall-E
- The Turtle King
carltonsoo + 11:02 AM [